The Data Management section contains links to
tools that enable you to customize templates, add signature, customize
the external e-mail settings, and access the Microsoft Outlook
Custom Templates
- Click the Custom Templates link. This will
take you to the Email Options: Custom Templates
- Click Add button to add a new custom template.
Click the Add button below the message text
area to save your template. Click the Cancel
button to cancel your changes. You will then be taken back to
the Email Options: Custom Templates page.
- Pick a custom template that you want to delete and then click
Delete button.
- Pick a custom template that you want to edit and then click
edit button. The Edit page
will appear. You are able to edit in your template. Click the
Save button to save your changes. Click the
Cancel button to cancel your changes. You will
be taken back to the Custom Templates page.
- You can click Back to Options button. You
will be taken back to the Email Options page.
You can choose between Email Options.
- Click the Signature link. This will take you
to the E-mail Signature page.
- Enter your signature information in the text area box. This
information will be appended to all your outgoing e-mail messages.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
Click the Cancel button to cancel your changes.
You will then be taken back to the Email Options
E-mail Settings
- Click the External E-mail Settings link. This
will take you to your External E-mail Settings
- In the Username text box type the E-mail
username supplied by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
- In the Password text box type the Password
you used to log into your e-mail.
- In the E-mail Host text box type E-mail server
which Salesboom will connect to and retrieve your e-mail messages.
The server must support IMAP in order for integration into Salesboom
to be successful.
- In the E-mail Address text box type the Outgoing
e-mail address supplied by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
- In the Host Protocol text box choose the
protocol used by the mail host.
- Click the Save button to save your changes.
Click the Cancel button to cancel your changes.
You will then be taken back to the Email Options
E-mail History
- Click the Mass Email History link. This will
take you to your Mass E-mail History page.
- This page tells you the time you sent your mass e-mail, total
number of e-mails, number of e-mails were sent successfully.
Outlook Integration
- Click theMicrosoft Outlook Integration link.
This will take you to MS Outlook Integration
- You have three tabs Features, Guide,
and Download.
- Features page gives you idea about features
in the MS Outlook Integration.
- Guide shows you how to get started with Salesboom
Outlook Edition 2005. It shows you how to install it and use
it for the first time.
- Download page, you can easily download MS
Outlook Integration Software Integration Software.
works for all the existing imports in Salesboom:
Opportunities, Accounts, Leads, Contacts, Contracts, Products
and Tasks.
The user interface for importing basically remains unchanged
for the first two steps.
1. Uploading a CSV file
2. Mapping the columns in the CSV file to Salesboom's columns.
After mapping the columns, a summary screen will be displayed
listing any Errors that occurred when Salesboom was checking over
the CSV file you uploaded. If the user decides to continue with
their import, they just click the "Import Now" button.
is a list of Errors that are flagged.
1. Selection Lists:
e.g. Lead Source when importing Accounts. (If you put an invalid
value for the column "Lead Source" in your CSV file,
like "blahblah", you will be warned on the error summary
2. Empty Required Fields:
If a field shown in red on the mapping screen is empty
3. Numeric/Money fields
Entering invalid numbers for currency/numeric fields: e.g. Amount
under Opportunities
4. Boolean:
valid values for Boolean fields. (e.g. "Active" in Contacts)
are: true, t, yes, on (true) or false, f, no, off (false) NOTE:
these are case insensitive, and it's easy to add more
5. Integer fields:
e.g. "Percent Complete" under Tasks - Values must be
a valid integer.
6. Lookups (linking Salesboom objects):
-E.g. fields like "Account" and "Contact"
when importing tasks.
- For linking contacts you would like a Task to a Contact by giving
the name in the form "John McDonald" in your "Contact"
column in the CSV file. (This is how sf does it.) I just realized
I should probably use something in addition to just the contact
name to better distinguish between Contacts (e.g. two John Smith's),
but I can fix this quickly sometime next week
- To link accounts, use the Account name. (e.g. "asdf")
7. Text:
Text that is too large to fit in the database column is cut off
to fit by default. (This is obtained from the database so if we
change a column attributes, Importing will be updated automatically).
For everything but Text, the default operation is to leave the
entry blank on insert if an error is encountered. (So if the user
has an invalid "Percentage Completed" for a Task in
their CSV file, none will be inserted for the record with the
If you are missing a column for a record, an empty one is created
on import.