CRM Software Support Center

What is an Account?
Accounts Tab Page
Viewing Accounts
Custom Account Views
Manage Accounts
Managing Accounts
Creating a New Account
Saving Accounts
Edit an Account
Delete an Account
Print an Account
Account Tools
Import Accounts
Account Web Capture Tool
Account Reports
Adding a Contact
Adding an Opportunity
Adding Multiple Addresses
Adding a Note
Adding a Task

Ajax and COMET Tools
Ajax Contacts Rolodex

What is a Campaign?
Campaigns Tab Page
Viewing Campaigns
Custom Campaign Views
Featured Campaigns
Managing Campaigns
Creating a Campaign
Saving a Campaign
Edit a Campaign
Delete a Campaign
Print a Campaign
Adding a Lead
Adding an Opportunity
Adding an Account
Adding a Contact
Adding a Web Capture Tool

What is a Case?
Cases Tab Page
Viewing Cases
Custom Case Views
Featured Cases
Manage Cases
Managing Cases
Creating a New Case
Saving a Case
Sending Notification
Edit a Case
Delete a Case
Print a Case
Linking to a Contact
Case Reports
Case Tools
Web Capture Tool
Adding a Note
Adding a Task

What is a Contact?
Contacts Tab Page
Viewing Contacts
Custom Contact Views
Manage Contacts
Managing Contacts
Creating a New Contact
Edit a Contact
Delete a Contact
Clone a Contact
Contact Tools
Web Capture Tool
Contact Reports
Adding a Note to a Contact
Adding a Task to a Contact
Adding a Photo to a Contact

Control Panel
Personal Information
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Change My Password
Customize My Tabs
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Customize Sidebar
Set Organization Logo

Control Panel: Import

Corporate Policies
Quick create for policies
Reports for policies

CRM Administration
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Custom Tabs and Fields
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Rename My Tabs

Custom Page Layout
Campaigns Layout
Leads Layout
Accounts Layout
Contacts Layout
Opportunity Layout
Contracts Layout

Data Management
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Outlook Integration
Flagged Errors

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Document Hierarchy
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External Email
Mass Email History
Detailed Mass Email Reports
Mass Email Attachments
MS Outlook Integration
Email to Case
Email to Lead
Viewing Messages
Viewing Folders
Creating a Folder
Composing a Message
Adding Attachments

What is an Event?
Viewing Events
Creating Events
Creating a New Event
Inviting Others
Sending Notification
Editing & Deleting Events

What is a Forecast?
Forecasts Tab Page
Viewing Forecasts
Custom Forecast Views
Featured Forecasts
Forecast Data Fields
Opportunity Data Fields
Creating a New Forecast
Edit a Forecast
Delete a Forecast
Print a Forecast
Forecast Reports

Human Resource Management
Employee Management
Employees tab
Viewing an Employee Record
Employee Policy Violation Reports

Importing Data
Supported Data Types
Importing Your Data

Instant Messages
Personal User Data
Sending Messages
Message Archive
Message Archive Search
Message Key Users

What is a Lead?
Leads Tab Page
Viewing Leads
Custom Lead Views
Manage Leads
Managing Leads
Creating a New Lead
Sending Notification
Edit a Lead
Clone a Lead
Delete a Lead
Converting a Lead
Generating Lead Reports
Lead Tools
Import Leads
Lead Web Capture Tool
Adding Document to a Lead
Adding Photo to a Lead
Adding a Note to a Lead
Adding a Task to a Lead

Logging In and Out

Microsoft Outlook Integration

What is a Note?
Viewing Notes
Creating Notes
Editing and Deleting Notes

What is an Opportunity?
Opportunities Tab Page
Viewing Opportunities
Custom Opportunity Views
Manage Opportunities
Managing Opportunities
Creating a New Opportunity
Saving an Opportunity
Edit an Opportunity
Delete an Opportunity
Opportunity Reports
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Adding a Note
Adding a Task

Organization Mapping with Accounts Parent Account Field

Creating and Editing Profiles
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Add/Edit screens
Disabling a Tab in the Related Records Section
Setting User Login Hours Restrictions (Rules)
Assigning Login Rules to Profiles
Standard Profiles

Public Knowledge Base
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Generating Reports
Creating Custom Reports
Editing Custom Reports
Deleting Custom Reports
Filtering Reports & Views
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Sales Commission Programs
Enabling Commissions Porgram
Sales Commission

Sales Contracts
Contracts tab
Contract Mangement

Skype Integration

Spell Checker

Stay-in-Touch Mass Email
Exporting data
Mail merge

Tab Page Views
Creating Custom Views
Editing Custom Views
Deleting Custom Views

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Editing and Deleting Tasks
Task History

The Sidebar
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Date & Time

Trash Can
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Violation of Corporate Policies
Violations tab
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Viewing a Policy
Policy Violation Report

Web based Project Management
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Viewing Projects
Viewing Project Tasks
Viewing Project Resources
Viewing Project Expenditures
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Creating a Project
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Adding Project Tasks
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Project Resources
Creating Project Resources
Adding Project Resources
Removing Project Tasks
Project Expenditures
Creating Expenditures
Removing Expenditures
Tracking Project Progress

Web Capture Tool
Creating a Capture Tool
Generating HTML
Editing a Capture Tool
Deleting a Capture Tool
Web Capture Fields

Big Deal Alert
At-Risk Deal Alert
Business Support Hours
Workflow Rules
Workflow Tasks
Workflow Alerts
Adding Conditions

Working with Mass Data

ZIP Code Proxomoty Search

What is a Forecast?

A Forecast is an estimate of how much revenue your company can generate in a quarter. This estimate is calculated using the Forecast Amount - revenue that can be confidently generated - and the Best Case Amount - revenue from forecasts that may successfully close.

Use the Forecast tab page to create, manage and view forecasts for your company. You can also generate and print reports.

Forecasts Tab Page The Forecasts tab page is divided into two sections: Featured Forecasts and Manage Forecasts. Use the Featured Forecasts to view your forecasts using predefined search patterns. Manage Forecasts contains tools to help you create and manage your forecasts.

Viewing Forecasts From the Show drop down box you can generate a summary of forecasts based on a variety of criteria. Choose an option from the Show drop down box. A summary of all forecasts matching your selection will be displayed in a few seconds. To view a listed forecast in detail, click the View link.

Custom Forecast ViewsSee: Creating Custom Views

Featured Forecasts The Featured Forecasts section displays a forecast summary. The forecasts that are displayed depend upon the criteriachosen from the Show drop down box. Also, you can select a letter from the alphabet list located either above or below the forecasts currently listed. Forecasts beginning with the letter you select will be listed. Once shown, click the View link associated with a listed forecast to see the forecast details.

Forecast Data Fields
Title Topics Covered
Month The month within the quarter you are viewing.
Quota Amount of revenue you are committed to closing for the month or quarter.
% Quota This is the percentage of quota that you are committed to. This is automatically calculated as Forecast Amount divided by Quota.
Closed Total amount of closed/won opportunities. This amount is automatically generated.
Total revenue you are confident of generating. This includes closed/won opportunities as well as opportunities within the Forecast category. This amount is automatically generated using existing opportunity data.
Best Case Amount This is the total amount of revenue that might be generated. This includes Closed/Won opportunities as well as opportunities within the Forecast and Best Case categories. This amount is automatically generated using existing opportunity data.
Pipeline The pipeline is the total of your open opportunities. These opportunities may or may not be won. This amount is automatically generated using existing opportunity data.

Opportunity Data Fields on the Forecast Details page
Title Topics Covered
Action Available actions to perform for the opportunity, such as editing.
Category This category is included in opportunities displayed when viewing a forecast. It determines which category the opportunity is included in when calculating a forecast. Change the Category for each opportunity to best describe that opportunity.
Opportunity Name The name given to this particular opportunity.
Amount The amount of revenue the opportunity is expected to generate if won.
Prob. (Probability) The probability that the opportunity will be won.
Exp. Amount This is revenue based on the Amount and Probability fields.
Stage The current stage of the opportunity.
Close Date The date on which the opportunity is expected to be closed. The Close Date also determines which month the opportunity is included in when generating a forecast.

Creating a new Forecast Quick Addition:
  • Choose the Forecasts tab located at the top of the page.
  • Scroll down to the Quick Addition section.
  • Choose a Quarter and Year to create the forecast for. The forecast will now be automatically created. An overview of the new forecast will now be displayed. It will be automatically populated with Opportunities that fall within the forecast quarter.
  • Click the Edit button to begin working wit the forecast. This takes you to the Forecast Edit page.
  • Opportunities within the specified quarter will be displayed below the forecast details.
  • Change the Category for each listed opportunity to best describe that opportunity. Categories for closed opportunities cannot be changed.
  • Enter you Quota for each month within the quarter.
  • Click the Recalculate button to update the Forecast Amount and Best Case Amount columns.
  • Click Save Update to save the forecast.
Detailed Addition:
  • Choose the Forecasts tab located at the top of the page.
  • Click the Add Forecast button located in the top right corner of the Featured Forecasts section.
  • Choose a Quarter and Year to create the forecast for. The forecast will now be automatically created. An overview of the new forecast will now be displayed. It will be automatically populated with Opportunities that fall within the forecast quarter. You can also View and Edit the listed Opportunities from this point.
  • Click the Edit button located at the top of the Forecast to begin working with the forecast. This takes you to the Forecast Edit page.
  • Opportunities within the specified quarter will be displayed below the forecast calculations.
  • Change the Category for each listed opportunity to best describe that opportunity. Categories for closed opportunities cannot be changed.
  • If you wish, enter your Quota for each month within the quarter.
  • Click the Recalculate button to update the Forecast Amount and Best Case Amount columns.
  • Click Save Update to save the forecast.

Editing, Deleting and Printing Forecasts When forecasts are displayed on the Forecasts tab page, click the View link to view the forecast. You will then be able to Edit (Update), Delete or Print the forecast, as described below.

Edit: Click the Edit button to change the forecast data. Change the categories for your listed Opportunities and click the Recalculate button to show the new forecast amounts. To save your changes, click the Save Update button.

Delete: Click the Delete button. You will be prompted to verify that you want to delete the forecast. Click OK to delete the forecast. Click Cancel to cancel the deletion.

Print: Click the Printable View button to view a print preview of the forecast. Select the Print This Page link located at the top right corner of the preview to print the forecast information. If you do not want to print the opportunity, simply close the window.

Forecast Reports Check the Generate Reports section of the Forecasts tab page for a list of available forecast reports. For a list of all available forecast reports, click the All Reports button to go to the Reports tab page. From this page you can also create custom reports for your forecasts.

See Also:
Creating Custom Reports

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