is a Task?
A task can be likened to an item on a to-do list. It is something
that requires further action and usually needs to be completed by
a specific date. You can create tasks for accounts, cases, contacts,
leads, opportunities and solutions.
Viewing Tasks
- Click the Home button located at the top
of the page. This will take you to the Home
- Tasks are listed under the My Tasks section
of the Home page.
- From the Show drop down box, located in the
top left corner of the My Tasks section, select
a method by which to generate a summary of your tasks. A summary
will be displayed a few seconds after you make a selection.
- To view a listed task in detail, click the View
Creating Tasks
- Click the Home button located at the top
of the page. This will take you to the Home
- Click the Add Task button located in the
My Tasks section. This will take you to the
New Task page.
- Fill in your task information using the Task Information,
Description Information, Follow Up Task Information
and Follow Up Description Information sections
of the form. Fields highlighted in red and marked with an asterisk
are required fields. All other fields may be left blank if you
- To link the task to a current record, first select a record
type from the Linked to drop down box. Then
click the list (
) icon to select a specific record to link to.
- If you want to create a follow up task, first click the Follow
Up check box located in the Follow Up Task
Information section. Now fill in your follow up information
using the Follow Up Task Information and Follow
Up Description Information sections. Be sure to fill
in all required fields.
- Save your task using either of the following two methods:
- Select the Save & New button to save
your new task. You will then be presented with a blank form
on which you can create another new task.
- Select the Save button to save your new
task. This will bring you to a summary page for the new
task. From this page you can Edit or Delete
the task.
Linking Tasks
When creating or editing a task you have the option to link
the task to a particular Account, Contact, Case etc.
- To link a task to a record, first select a record type from
the Linked to drop down box located in the
Task Information section.
- Now you need to choose the specific record you want to link
the task to. Say, for example, you chose to link to an Account.
You now need to choose which account to link to. Click the list
) icon to view
a list of accounts. Select an account from the list.
- Your task will be linked to the record you chose as soon as
you save it. The task will also appear in the Related
Records section on the details page when viewing the
record it is linked to.
Editing and Deleting Tasks
- Click the Home button located at the top
of the page. This will take you to the Home
- Select a listed task from the My Tasks section
by clicking the View link. If the task you are
looking for is not in the list, change the viewing criteria
by making a different selection from the Show
drop down box. A list of tasks matching your new selection will
be displayed in a few seconds.
- Once you have selected a task, you will be directed to the
Tasks page, which displays the task details.
- You can now Edit or Delete
the task. Edit a Task
- Click the Edit button. This will take
you to the Edit Task page.
- Make your changes to the task.
- Click the Save or Save &
New button to save your changes. Click Cancel
if you do not want to save any changes.
See Also: Creating
Delete a Task
- To delete the task, click the Delete
- You will be prompted to confirm that you want the task
deleted. Click OK to delete the Task. Click
Cancel if you do not want to delete the
Task History
History The
Activity History tab is available
in the
Related Records section when viewing a record
in detail. It displays a list of completed tasks for that particular
record, being an Account, Contact, Lead etc. Some record types cannot
have tasks associated with them.
Log a Call When viewing a record
in detail, click the
Log a Call link located in
Summary section above the record details. This
will enable you to quickly create a task concerning a customer phone
call. The default status of the task will be
You can log calls pertaining to Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities,
Leads, Cases and Solutions.