Training & Support Overview is committed to customer satisfaction. As our customer, we want to help you successfully manage your customer relationships. We're with you every step of the way, providing resources you need to ensure that your Cloud CRM system implementation is successful. World-class training and support is included as part of your package.
Online training courses and customer support are available for all Salesboom customers. also offers training and support packages tailored to your specific organizational needs.
Support and Training Services
Check out the Training and Support center to find currently offered training classes. Just click the Training and Support link located in the upper right hand of the screen to view the training and support services offered to customers.
Customer Support realizes that the needs of customer's will differ from one organization to another. Therefore, several support packages are offered. Customer's can choose which support package best fits their organization's needs. From answering your user's inquiries to full administrative services, there's a support package that offers everything you need.