Switch & Save
Migrating from Salesforce.com has never been easier or as rewarding.
Salesboom.com is proudly offering a $5000 credit to any Salesforce.com
customer who commits to Salesboom.com CRM Solutions before March
31, 2008*
Our staff has been trained for this event and is highly prepared
to help your company export all your data, workflow rules, customizations,
etc. from Salesforce.com to Salesboom.com in a speedy fashion,
we even have a tool designed specifically for this process titled
the Salesforce.com
Migration Magic Button. On top of this we ease the
process of migrating your business out of Salesforce.com to
Salesboom.com by making all the exporting during the migration
process FREE of CHARGE.
Why Should I switch from Salesforce.com?
We have developed a document covering the Top 9
Reasons to Leave Salesforce.com and migrate to Salesboom.com.
This document includes facts like; Salesforce.com is not very
SME (Small and Medium Sized Enterprise) friendly, and a rumor
of it being sold off to Oracle who is not very SME friendly
either. We went on to cover the sluggish User interface and
how businesses pay more than they should for the extra bells
and whistles that a company might never use.