Government CRM

Government Customer Relationship Management solutions customized to your exact needs. Since 2003, leading Government CRM vendor offering customized CRM solutions, integrated with Web Forms, Marketing apps, email, and more. We bundle the Professional Services with the Cloud CRM services, and built custom features and integrations for each client.

Government Customer Relationship Management since 2003

Government Customer Relationship Management helps manage programs from beginning to end, with Contact Management, Web Forms, Documents with mail merge, email integration, and more.

Use cases of CRM in Government are growing every day, with each department implementing CRM systems at the Municipal, State/Provincial, and Federal levels, of leading countries across the globe. The importance of compliance and security in Cloud CRM systems cannot be overstated, particularly for organizations that manage sensitive data. As the digital landscape evolves, so too does the complexity of regulatory requirements and cybersecurity threats. In this context, having robust compliance and security measures is not just a necessity; it's a cornerstone of trust and reliability.

Our service level agreement (SLA), established as the first in the Cloud CRM industry back in 2003, underscores our commitment to these principles. Since then, we have been entrusted with the data of some of the top organizations globally, a testament to our unwavering dedication to upholding the highest standards of data protection and compliance.

This long-standing trust reflects our proactive approach to security and our continuous efforts to adapt to the ever-changing regulatory environment, ensuring that our client's data is secure and that their operations remain compliant at all times.

Government CRM Solution Features

Feature Description
Web Forms Customizable forms embedded on government websites, allowing citizens to easily submit information, applications, and feedback.
Workflow Automation (Extended) Advanced workflows to automate complex processes, from document approvals to routine inquiries, improving operational speed and accuracy.
Real-time Alerts Automatic notifications for staff and citizens about updates or changes in case status, upcoming deadlines, or required actions.
Landing Pages Specifically designed web pages that provide focused information and are often used for specific campaigns or announcements.
Marketing Automation Tools to automate and manage marketing campaigns and communications, tailored to increase citizen engagement and awareness.
Onboarding Structured processes to onboard new users, be they staff or citizens, ensuring they understand how to interact with government services effectively.
Email Integration Seamless integration with email platforms, enabling direct communication within the CRM system for both outbound and inbound emails.
AI Solutions Artificial intelligence tools to provide predictive analytics, automate responses, and personalize interactions with citizens based on data-driven insights.
Citizen Self-Service Portals Online platforms that allow citizens to access services, submit requests, and track progress without direct interaction with staff.
Case Management Comprehensive tools to manage, track, and resolve cases filed by citizens, including complaints, requests, and feedback.
Mobile Accessibility Ensures government staff and citizens can access the CRM system from any mobile device, enhancing convenience and engagement.
Integration Capabilities Ability to integrate with existing government systems and databases to ensure seamless data flow and centralized information access.
Security and Compliance Robust security features to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with government regulations on data protection.
Workflow Automation Automates routine tasks to improve efficiency and consistency in handling citizen interactions and internal processes.
Reporting and Analytics Advanced tools to generate detailed reports and analytics, providing insights into service effectiveness and operational efficiency.
Multichannel Support Support for various communication channels such as email, phone, social media, and chat, enabling diverse citizen interaction paths.
Emergency Response Management Specialized features for handling and coordinating emergency responses, critical for crisis management and public safety.
Collaboration Tools Features that facilitate collaboration among government departments and agencies to enhance service delivery and resource sharing.

Customer Relationship Management grew from the Business Development roots of Sales Operations Management, but CRM is a strategy, meant to manage all constituents in the relationships managed by the organization, from Employees to Partners, to Clients, Constituents, and so on.

Salesboom Government CRM solutions are tailored to the needs of each client, with consultation, setup, training, and ongoing maintenance and support.

Our systems are easily customizable with no-code point-and-click technology. We also build Customizations and integrations in-house, to give each client the exact system, people, and processes they need to succeed.

Business Development Centers use CRM alongside Tourism Departments to stimulate Economic Development in their cities, and communities.

Salesboom Cloud CRM Software System Solution is a vehicle for government agencies and Non Profit Organizations (NPO) and Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) to initiate customer communications with a quality exchange for both parties. Government agencies process millions of requests every year.

NPO and NGOs process a surprising amount of information that can flux depending on circumstances within it's mandate.
Increasingly governments and the NGO/NPO communities are partnering on projects and require more sophisticated communications channels.
Salesboom Cloud CRM system software delivers integrated and synchronized performance across all channels from call center, administration, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), situational reporting, service and supply capacity analysis, and self-service and e-billing initiatives.

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Read more about Goverment CRM solutions:

Nowadays government civil servant face increased expectations from nationals, businesses, and elected officials.

Pressed to provide good services and information quickly with minimum costs, civil servants are often saddled with legacy information systems that fail to deliver an enterprise wide view of government.

Salesboom online CRM (Customer relationship management) system helps organizations in the public sector manage customer service.

Salesboom CRM software is one of the many private sector business practices that have migrated to the public sector. However, the private sector focus on profits does not apply in government, the focus on cost reduction, efficiency, and service quality does.

With a few adjustments, Salesboom Online CRM software principles and core activities easily conform to the government agency environment.

For instance, lead management processes can be adjusted used to segment and target the audience for national services.

Today, public sector organizations of all sizes can use technology to better manage everything from nationals’ services, economic development, mapping, and much more.

Ai For Business Consulting Custom Apps Salesboom

Salesboom web based CRM software can save government organizations from managing services on paper, email, or spreadsheets and provide an innovative approach to the organizational processes.

Salesboom Cloud CRM system software addresses and integrates organizational requirements from three key areas. Operational, Analytical, and Collaborative.

The degree of detail and integration is scalable, and can be modified by users as needed.

Salesboom offers solid customer support, training and professional services as needed.

Cloud CRM Software Solutions offer customers in the government and non-profit sectors an opportunity to assess, streamline and improve:

  • Operational activities with the automation of basic business processes (marketing, sales, service)
  • Methods of analyzing client behaviour and incorporating business, operational and intelligence strategies
  • Collaboration with clients on multiple communications channels
  • Collaboration between organizational team members with multiple partners to ensure a quality client service experience and follow up
  • Front and back end integration (supply chain) including multiple partner sites/systems
  • Workflow and assignment processes

Some areas specific to Government and Non Profit Organizations that demonstrate a benefit from Cloud CRM implementation are:

Social Services
  • Rising citizen expectations
  • Rising caseloads
  • Integrating citizen data and ensuring data privacy
  • multichannel communication
  • Coordinating cases and services with partners
  • Improving employee productivity and morale
  • Self serve and e-billing options
  • Automatically assign and route cases, accelerate case processes with workflow, and manage complex cases from one application
  • Provide integrated information to case managers with real-time visibility
  • Automatically process data collection, screening, and benefits allocation with integrated front and back-office processes
  • Mitigate fraud activities by identifying duplicate and/or suspicious requests by cross referencing information from integrated data stores.
  • Ability to collate information from all sources to single file for viewing.
  • Increase customer service by assigning the right employee with the right skills to the service request or case in a timely manner.
  • Deploy outreach campaigns to disseminate changes that directly impact tax payers.
  • View real-time performance indicators and operational metrics.
  • Integrated desktop management of all case information, from all sources and channels for comprehensive, real-time case management.
  • Enable quality customer and self service operations freeing up agency staff to focus on other vital activities.
  • Integration with back-office operations facilitate tax agencies to provide accurate information to front-office activities regarding revenues, payments, and customer liabilities.
Self-Service & eBilling
  • Support and integrate information from multichannel partner, self service and e-billing options

Offer access to:

  • Tax statements and related documents
  • Account access, payment, balance and management
  • Integrated invoicing, reporting and analysis between businesses and government entities
  • Benefit and grant application and payment processing and history
  • Access to supporting documentation on billing, benefits, claim status, general inquires
  • Implement ePayroll and eHuman Resources programmes
Citizen Response
  • Requires fast and convenient access into all city services and information so that city governments can respond quickly and efficiently.
  • Multichannel communication
  • Increase knowledge management capacity, with access to accurate informations for analysis and decision making
  • Introduce triage processing for citizen access to government information and services
  • Analysis of key service indicators and performance
  • Increase renewal donation rates and average donations per donor
  • Improve marketing activities, including large events, programs, and advocacy
  • Provide holistic program views via multiple channels of communication

Introduce more satisfying exchanges with multiple partners such as:

  • Government agencies
  • Donor agencies
  • Donors
  • Aid recepients
  • Partner organizations
  • Aid workers
  • Workers globally deployed
  • Volunteers
Law Enforcement / Investigations
  • Log and cross reference incident and case management activities
  • Analytics
  • Solidify partner management activities
  • Manage alert and notification
  • Increase resource management capacity
  • Outreach
  • Mobile and wireless access
  • Self-service
  • Analytics
  • Partner management
  • 24x7 training

Secure Cloud CRM Information Exchanges

Information within the system is secure and accessible based on a highly scalable permissions tree. In scaling the access to information on the site, you are able to protect resources appropriately and open up information resources for sharing based on organizational need. Furthermore, there is Audit Trail functionality built into every item into the system.

This assures system services that can identify any information changes, access and sharing activities (and the owners) on the system. You can access Audit information at any time for review and reporting purposes and to demonstrate due diligence in adherence to legal, financial and governmental regulations.

Continuous Improvement

Salesboom Cloud CRM system software offers a highly scalable solution for companies in governmental and non-profit sectors that embrace continuous improvement strategies.

It is possible to identify and schedule process changes without downtime or user overload.

In acquiring the Salesboom flexible Cloud CRM software solution you step away from the constraints of fixed solutions.

Salesboom offers support for rapid configuration of the system, integrating existing systems and processes as needed.

With implementation you acquire the capacity to provide the following supports with a continuous improvement model or you can implement them on roll-out.

Let Us Provide The Answers Salesboom

Salesboom Cloud CRM is as flexible as your organization needs to be.

Consider the opportunities for improvement in the following:

  • Capture how your customers define quality, and design corresponding service strategy
  • Managing and scheduling follow-up sales calls
  • Track customer contact in system so all sources and types of contact are included and viewable by system users
  • Online billing and pricing services
  • User-friendly mechanisms to register customer complaints
  • Self service tools
  • Product use/information/technical assistance 24/7
  • Recognize and address potential problems quickly
  • Identify and addressing service deficiencies
  • Track customer interests and personalize product offerings
  • Collaborative customization or real-time customization
  • Managing and scheduling maintenance, repair, and on-going support
  • Integrate cross-functional systems

Regulatory Compliance

Salesboom Cloud CRM software system facilitates Public Government and Non-Profit Organizations to meet evolving and stringent protocols from a variety of regulatory agencies tracking activities for compliance issues. These include Environmental, Fiscal, Legal, Humanitarian, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at both domestic and international levels in order to avoid costly mistakes or erroneous application of funds or services.


Salesboom Cloud CRM software implementation guarantees cost containment for government and non-governmental organizations through streamline production and distribution operations using front and back end tools as part of standard software offerings.

Guaranteed visibility across all areas from finance to contracting to deployment and across the supply chain are possible within exceedingly generous time frames.

Professional Services - Cloud CRM Custom Solutions

Salesboom offers software and Professional Services that address specific requirements for the public and non-profit sectors and delivers on demand solutions that automate clinic processes on time and within budget while factoring in regulatory constraints.

Lead Handoff Align Marketing And Sales Salesboom

Salesboom has evolved solid solutions based on dialog and responsiveness to customer needs.

Salesboom offers a stable, scalable software solution with a successful deployment based on support and flexibility of our stand-alone and custom integrated Cloud CRM System Solutions for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and support and training services offered as part of our implementation.

Salesboom Cloud CRM software will deploy a solution that enhances services and processes so you can achieve positive ROI in as short a time as possible:

  • Software Solution – our team will help develop Cloud CRM plan, strategic placement and requirements development
  • Identify and automate business processes
  • Software and/or process customization
  • Integration of Cloud CRM Software (with existing software)
  • Cleanse/Import Data
  • Reporting on implementation/deployment
  • Professional Training Services and Support Services

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