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Sales Forecasting Software Screenshot

Each sales rep in the hosted SFA section of the Cloud CRM System has the ability to create individual Sales Forecasts. Quarterly Sales Forecasts contain the Sales Reps? quota as well as forecasted sales revenues based on the opportunities that have a close date in a month belonging to the current fiscal quarterly forecast being viewed. Opportunities may be removed from the forecast and summaries and calculations are made to keep track of the quarterly and yearly Sales performance of the sales rep.

Sales Managers or those in roles above the Sales Reps can view each quarterly forecast for each Sales Rep at once to get a global picture of the sales pipeline for the business and enable determining your staff's promotions depend on their effectivness in work. Customized reporting allows managers to aggregate forecasted sales revenues by employee, by quarter, by month, by region, etc. to get the sales figures out of the Cloud CRM in the format that they need for real time insight into the health of your sales operations. Salesboom SFA gives your business the tools and insight into the sales funnel needed to continually manage and strengthen your sales endeavors and enable them to be on the top in the market.

Forecast summary snapshots can be created at any time keeping track of the progress of your sales over time, by user.



Cloud Sales Software Products

Introduction to Sales force Automation: The Complete CRM Sales Cloud Solution. Click Here
Top 10 Reasons: Sales Reps Love Salesboom.com CRM Click Here
CRM that helps you through sales recession.Click Here
Success with the best sales CRM Software.Click Here
Sales Forecast Software in the Cloud Info and Screenshots.Click Here
Salesforce Alternative Free data migration from salesforce with the Magic Button. Cloud CRM Software Migration

CRM Software Apps - What Cloud CRM fits you?

Team Edition

Cloud CRM Sales Management Software solutions that really speak to the small business. Let our cloud CRM Sales Management Software be there with you during your business growth and development with our Sales Force Automation, Contact Management Software and Customer Service & Support. Whatever your business goals, banking on Salesboom Online Cloud CRM Sales Management Software will help you and your company best manage your sales pipeline.

Professional Edition

An action packed Online, easy-to-use Web Based Cloud CRM Sales management Software solution focusing on Sales Force Automation and Customer Service & Support solutions while integrating company wide in real time. The advantages of cloud CRM Sales management Software applications include streamlined sales processes that will catapult your business to the next level.

Enterprise Edition

Cloud CRM application and Back Office ERP solution integrated across your enterprise in real-time providing your company with the best workflow automation possible. The Enterprise Edition includes Cloud CRM, Sales management software, Inventory Management, Product Management, Project Management, Quickbooks CRM Integration, Accounting and Human Resources Management solutions. Compared to most Web Based Customer Relationship Management Cloud CRM Sales management software vendors, Salesboom is the only to offer a complete Back Office solution integrated across your entire Cloud CRM platform, giving your company the advantage.

Microsoft Outlook CRM Solutions

Salesboom's Cloud Customer Relationship Management Cloud CRM outlook Integration software allows you to keep your existing MS email management software by using its Outlook CRM Solutions. Never mind managing multiple programs for contacts and e-mail; within a single integrated cloud CRM Sales management software platform, Salesboom allows all your Microsoft Outlook data to be easily managed with a single login.

QuickBooks CRM Solutions

Salesboom's QuickBooks Cloud CRM Integration from Salesboom gives you one wide view of your company, customers and data all in one place. Salesboom CRM for QuickBooks gives you a seamless two-way synchronization between your Cloud CRM suite including the CRM Sales management software solution and QuickBooks accounting software, with a 100% data accuracy guarantee.

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