Data and Network Security Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many data centers do you operate and which partners do you use?
A: Currently Salesboom operates three full-time data centers all equipped to handle a complete volume of workloads. Everything is done in-house, from all the hardware setup and purchasing, to the software installation and design. Everything is ranked to the highest standards in regards to the data center security and disaster prevention. Server rooms are kept at a solid stable temperature, with humidity controls and dust-prevention. We have backup power at all locations as well which is more than sufficient to keep the center running for elongated periods of time should a power failure occur. All of this is implemented and maintained by the Salesboom technical team. We do not outsource any of this work, in order to maintain a strict level of security.
For internet connectivity, we have OC12 connections coming in to all centers through three different major international telecommunications providers for redundancy. This volume of bandwidth is more than sufficient to handle a large influx of new clients, whether gradually or all at once.
Q: Once our data is at your data center, do we still "own" it? What rights do we have to move or copy it?
A: The end client has full ownership of its data at all times. It is housed on server banks owned by Salesboom, however the data is legally owned by the end client and retains the full rights and privileges that come along with the ownership of it. The end client can request, at any time, to transfer, remove, copy, or modify its data and our technical team will do whatever is necessary on our end to honor the request.
Q: How secure is your data center? What measures are in place to prevent your employees from viewing data they are not authorized to see, or to prevent outsiders from hacking into the system?
A: Our data center has the highest caliber of security available. Only designated personnel have access to the center itself, which is on a 'need-only' basis. Complete security systems protect the data centers, with redundancy throughout.
No employee has access to view customer data. Neither the development team nor the technical team has access to the servers themselves. There is one designated person who has the password to the servers themselves (since someone has to have it) and every access attempt is completely logged and reported directly to the executive team. Cutting edge security measures are in place to protect 'hackers' from gaining access to the servers remotely. Multiple redundant firewalls, both hardware and software, as well as the latest encryption technology is all being used, complete with security devices coded in-house that are proprietary to Salesboom, so no other organization or entity has access to the specific methods that are in use. Salesboom regards client data security in the absolute highest of values, and spares no expense in protecting it to its fullest extent.
Q: What happens in the event of a disaster that deletes or destroys data? Are there measures to protect against loss? Is data backed up regularly?
A: In the event of a major disaster, there are procedures in place to retain customer data and protect against data loss. Through both the redundancy of the three data centers, as well as regularly scheduled backups to an off-site location, customers are rest assured that their data is safe and will still be retained even in the event that all the servers were completely destroyed.
Q: Are your systems sufficiently scalable to support our company's one-, three- and five-year growth plans?
A: Our infrastructure was designed with salability in mind. It's seamless to expand upon, and we already have more than enough infrastructure in place to support extremely large clients, both existing and potential. Salesboom is designed to grow with your company - not stagnate while increasing your organizations success.
Q: Will you allow us to import our key business data into the hosted application(s), so that we will have access to it from the moment we begin working with you?
A: Data migration services are available. The service itself has easy-to-use customer import tools. For more extensive and elaborate migration processes, the service is available through Salesboom at a low-to-no-cost initiative. Most migration services can be done free of charge.
Q: Will you provide all the services necessary to deliver our application, or will we have to dedicate staff to supporting the solution either full-time or part-time?
A: Everything from maintenance, support, and updates is all handled by Salesboom at no additional charge to the end user. In the event that a client wishes to deploy Salesboom internally on their own servers, no additional staff is required over and above what is already necessary to support that infrastructure. Updates are still applied seamlessly through a secured remote portal. The service does come with an 'administrator' account, which requires very little time after the initial setup - usually no more than a few minutes a week.
Service Level Agreement 
Q: Does your SLA include a specified level of customer support?
a: Yes. There is a base level of customer support included at no additional fee, which is sufficient for most small businesses. In addition, if customers require a higher level of support, there are multiple scalable packages available, and Salesboom is always available to customize a support package to suit any entities individual needs.
Q: Provisions for system and data security?
A: The SLA does have provisions included for all security measures, as well as legal rights and responsibilities of Salesboom in regards to security and data ownership.
Q: A guaranteed level of system performance, such as sub-second response time?
A: There is an up-time guarantee included in the SLA, as well as general provisions stating the minimum performance levels of the service.
Q: Continuous system availability - 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
A: Salesboom has over a 99.8% uptime guarantee, and are currently operating on a track record well above that.
Q: Is your SLA a one-size-fits-all document, or are there different service tiers - such as gold, silver or bronze - that will allow us to tailor the SLA to our needs?
A: As mentioned above, there is a basic support package included with the service at no additional fee which supports many of our clients more than sufficiently, and we do offer scalable support package tiers as well as custom designed ones. Salesboom is very flexible to accommodate all of its clients, both current and future, needs.
Q: If you fail to deliver on any service point covered in the SLA, do we have a designated contact person who can address the issue?
A: In some support packages, an individual client will have a designated support point of contact. Regardless of support levels however, there is always someone available to address these issues, who is empowered to resolve them should one occur.
Q: What kinds of enforcement provisions are in place in the event that you do not deliver on the SLA? Will we receive a refund? Can we terminate the relationship and choose another ASP without penalty?
A: Depending on the severity of the breach of SLA, a customer can expect up to and including a complete refund for the months service that were affected. Should a breach of the SLA occur, the client is fully empowered to terminate the service (given 30 days notice) and have its data copied and sent to them, so they may engage in a relationship with a different small business CRM provider if necessary.
Q: What does the SLA cover?
A: The SLA covers everything regarding the service and its usage - from the Service itself, to the usage of the Service, Fees & Payments, Proprietary Rights, Customer Rights, Confidentiality and Privacy, Warranties and Disclaimers, Service and Support levels, and more.
Q: What are the penalties?
A: The penalties depend on what the breach of SLA was, and for the length of time it occurred. The penalty to Salesboom can be up to and including a complete refund as well as early termination at no additional fee of the contract.
Q: What is the response time? Who gets notified?
A: Different service levels have different response times. 1 business Day is the maximum response time that could be applied at the lowest service level. The entire technical team gets notified of a new case entering the queue as it happens, and will work through them in an orderly fashion, except in cases where a higher service level agreement dictates.
Q: Who has to prove the network was down?
A: The network is monitored real time sales software 24/7. Upon notification from the customer, it will be checked against the network logs immediately. What happens if the site has continual problems? If there is continuous breach of the SLA, a full refund and/or early termination clause to the contract would be available to the client.
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