Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) - What Is It, and How Important Is It to Your Small business? Fast Approach.
Customer Lifecycle Management, or CLM, is often misunderstood to be the same principle idea as Customer Relationship Management, or CRM. Customer Lifecycle Management, however, has a key difference from CRM - the added factor of time. A fast approach & very brief definition of CLM is simply the measurement of your CRM program's success over time - providing you have CLM metrics from before and after your CRM implementation.
Approaching CLM must be done slowly, as there are a lot of different facets to consider when trying placing the term into its full perspective. Managing the Customer Lifecycle has many different metrics which need to be taken into account, but the overall theme of CLM properties is time. Your entire customer lifecycle must be properly measured throughout its duration, and can be examined on an individual customer or against a mean average. This includes things like purchase history, which includes recency frequency and quantity; gross amount of money spent on acquiring and retaining the customer through marketing dollars, resources spent generating each sale, as well as post sales service and support; and the duration or longevity of that customer's relationship with your business.
PDF: Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) - What Is It, and How Important Is It to Your Small business?
Word Document: Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) - What Is It, and How Important Is It to Your Small business?