How can Color-Coding Customers in your CRM help your business?
A good CRM system is all about helping you target which leads require immediate followup with what message is appropriate and in a timely mannner. Color coding of Leads helps to visually prioritize your time by having programmable workflow rules automatically change the color of your records automatically. You can customize the workflow rules to automatically change color at an approporiate time, and you can even customize the colors that are displayed next to your Leads in the Leads Tab by simply using the color picker.
Here are a few examples of how reasons to color code your leads today and help your business succeed in sales:
- Newly Created Leads
- Leads you have contacted - ie Leads with Lead Status = Contacted
- Neglected Leads - Those leads that have not been contacted in a certain number of days. To specify the number of days:
- Leads in need of followup based on cusomized workflow rules allow Salesboom Sales Cloud to be tailored to your exact business needs.
click on Control Panel -> CRM Administration -> Setup Color Coding
To access these features, login to your Salesboom account at then click on Control Panel -> CRM Administration -> Setup Color Coding
Color Coding of Accounts
Account management is about knowing the account, and key contacts that need immediate attention versus those that are ok for now, versus those that are good candidates for closing current opportunities, up-sell opportunities and cross-sell opportunities. Salesboom automatically updates your accounts based on workflow rules that you control. When the correct time arrises in the Sales cycle, your acccount record will change color. By clicking the Accounts tab all your records are color coded to your exact training specifications to keep you on track and never letting any Account slip through the cracks.
Here are a few examples of how reasons to color code your Accounts today and help your business succeed in sales:
- New Accounts - those Accounts created within the past 30 days
- Overdue Accounts - those Accounts with Closed Won Opportunities and overdue Invoices
- Current Accounts - those Accounts that are currently active and has no overdue Invoices
- Premium Accounts - those Accounts that have Closed Won Opportunities equal to or greater than the target price entered.
- Inactive Accounts - those Accounts that have no Closed Won Opportunities in the past number of days, as entered.
- Accounts in need of followup based on cusomized workflow rules allow Salesboom Sales Cloud to be tailored to your exact business needs.
To access these features, login to your Salesboom account at then click on Control Panel -> CRM Administration -> Setup Color Coding