White Papers
White Paper: CRM Closes Costs
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Customers today expect to have multi channel access to their business partners, service providers, product or manufacturer. This has been a logical evolution with the advent of Internet and the greening of the Internet user base. This user base is savvy and even savage in its expectations, and impulse to move on. It is very important for business to understand the intolerance of this growing user base and to respect the perils of working and marketing in the digital world with inadequate tools.
Because of the willingness of today's digital users to move quickly to the next website, web form, whatever, it is important that any CRM service provider have this insight and provide an application and services that do not alienate this growing segment of an on line customer. The CRM application must be responsive, the service unconditional and the experience for both the SMB customer and the CRM user satisfying. Otherwise, the risk of damage to the SMB product/service can be irreparable or in the least, expensive to repair.
At the same time, this user base demonstrates great loyalty and it can and does generate buzz amongst peers, similar markets and other venues within a typically broad network of associates. There is a great effort at personalization in most on line communities including commercial venues. Business relationships are forged and maintained in digital fashion, and are as real and productive as any other associations. To tap into this genre of loyalty and association is the challenge and reward that is possible with good CRM systems in place.
CRM is not an instant 'fix'. CRM will provide tools that enhance your business processes and offer a bridge into the fast moving and demanding world of the digital economy. It is a solid support to 'offline' enterprises as well, and it is a learning tool for any organization that wishes to advance in their market segment or to diversify into other areas.
It is important to find a CRM tool that fits your business objectives and to not attempt to modify business processes to fit the CRM tool. Flexibility in the CRM product is paramount to the success of the SMB marketing investment. Surprisingly, this can be accomplished without the burden of a heavy and expensive deployment of a customized tool. It is possible to find CRM tools out there that provide Data/Information Management, Data Privacy/Security, Customer Service, Training and Analysis all within one standard, on line service. The end result which is a unified view of your marketing situation and the ability to assess situations and respond quickly and decisively.
SMB added functionality and marketing capacity leads to:
- Increased Sales
- Great Customer Service
- Lower Costs
- Acquisition and Retention of Customer Loyalty
It is a fact that CRM services are now accessible to Small and Medium Business (SMB) through a variety of integrated, on demand service providers. The quality and flexibility of the CRM tool bears investigation and comparison, be sure to not the level of support offered to SMB buyers.
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