White Papers
White Paper: Entrepreneur
Purchasing Recommendations
Entrepreneur Purchasing Recommendations: CRM
Entrepreneur Purchasing Recommendations: CRM
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4.1 On-demand CRM – Software As A Service (SaaS)
SaaS is a distribution model with applications hosted by a vendor or a service provider typically through the Internet. This service has become the favoured delivery model because the underlying architecture for web services has evolved and can accommodate new programming protocols such as AJAX that can process commands right in the browser.
The traditional model of software distribution, in which software is purchased for and installed on personal computers, is sometimes referred to as software as a product.
On-demand CRM gives customers network-based access to a single copy of an application created specifically for SaaS distribution. This translates into savings in the form of:
- Easier administration
- Software compatibility for all users leading to easier collaboration
- Automatic software updates
- Global accessibility
4.2 Identify the Need
Many companies feel frustrated with business-as-usual management processes. The over emphasis on painfully detailed budgets, meaningless forecasts, reports, ad hoc system integrations, and uncertain and/or limited metrics for accurate measurements on successes, failures, ROI and warning flags.
There had not been much movement in deploying solutions for this situation in the past, because it was difficult to imagine what the solution might be. With the advent of SaaS and on-demand CRM, it is now possible to envision a solution with a tools set that can address and remediate deficiencies.
Traditional medium and practices are no longer able to address the demands accelerated by Internet transactions. Internet in and of itself cannot be the sole resolution, so it becomes clear that both mediums must work together to be successful.
If an organization finds itself at this crossroads, and is willing to undergo the efforts required to align business lines and implement system and process changes, then there is opportunity for successful CRM deployment.
4.3 CRM Purchasing Checklist
- Do you know the industry definition of CRM?
- Do you agree?
- Can you define the role CRM will have in your company?
- Can you articulate a CRM process for your company?
- Do you know the industry definition of PRM?
- Is there a role for PRM in your company?
- Can you define the PRM processes for your company?
- Do you know the industry definition of ERP?
- Is ERP appropriate to your current situation?
- Can you articulate ERP processes for your company?
- Can you define the effect and benefit ERP activities will have in your company?
- Do you know the industry definition of SFA?
- Can you define your Sales Process for your company?
- Can you identify efficiencies for the existing processes?
- Do you see benefits to automating sales activities?
On-Demand Services:
- Do you know the industry definition of On-Demand CRM?
- Do you understand what integration means in this context?
- Do you understand what customization means in this context?
- Do you understand what tailoring is in this context?
- Do you understand and differentiate between “best of breed” software for SaaS CRM Solutions?
- Does the company have a developed, customer-focused strategy that is independent of a technology solution?
- What is it?
- Can you visualize and articulate the reasons for undertaking a CRM/ERP project?
- Where does customer service fit in your company as a business line?
- Can you visualize and articulate the state of your business once the project is completed?
- Can you list the objectives of a CRM/ERP project for each business line you mean to capture?
- Can you articulate the deliverables for the company, at a high level?
- Can you articulate the deliverables for each business line in terms of functionality?
- Can you articulate the deliverables for each business line in terms of process?
- Do the company principles understand CRM?
- Are they committed to change processes?
- Can you identify the stakeholders at a high level?
- Can you identify the stakeholders at the business lines?
- Do you know if they understand or want CRM/ERP?
- Do you anticipate the need for a Change Management Program?
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Can you identify roles and responsibilities at:
- the executive level?
- the stakeholder level?
- the business line?
Structure and Work Assignment:
- Having identified roles and responsibilities, can you realistically build teams and assign project work with existing resources?
- What are the assumptions for:
- Vendor?
- Costing?
- Leadership?
- IT?
- Legacy?
- Data?
- Security/Data Management & Ownership?
- Change Management?
- Training?
- Pilot
- Roll-out?
- Future Positiong?
- What is your communications plan for the stakeholder community?
- The vendor?
- The teams?
- Change Management?
- Are there risks to deploying a CRM/ERP Software Solution?
- What are the risks?
- Where are they?
- Can you mitigate the risks?
- Is the project worth the risk?
- How will the project be documented?
- What will be documented?
- Can you capture metrics?
- Will this be useful for future enhancements/upgrades?
- If the roles and communications expectations are defined, what other boundaries might need to be addressed? (Stakeholder, Vendor, Partners)
Decision Making Process:
- Is there a clear chain of command in terms of sign off for activities, decisions, change requests, scoping, costing, etc.
Interpreting Results:
- Do you have an interest in developing usable metrics?
- What information do you wish to capture for measurement?
- Need help watching overall trends
- Need to watch for internal competition and/or needless duplication
- Need to expand and manage ways to
- Need to enhance communicate with customers
- Need help to elevate cross-selling opportunities
- Need help to elevate closing times on sales
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