CRM White Papers
CRM White Paper: Pitfalls and CRM Myths
Salesboom On Demand hosted CRM White Paper Summary: Pitfalls and CRM Myths
With CRM being an oft-overused and underrated buzzword these days, warnings have been surfacing about being cautious with your CRM projects. In the more specific Small-Medium sized business markets, the ROI has yet to be fully proven in many companies minds, and this is one of the leading reasons why they aren't jumping on board the online web based CRM software / web-based SFA train.
In the following document, many of the alleged 'pitfalls' of CRM solutions will be discussed, and either proven as fact or myth. This will help your company get its focus in the right direction, and find a CRM solution, if applicable, that suits your needs, without all the uncertainty and confusion that the market currently offers.
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Pitfalls and CRM Myths
Document: Pitfalls and CRM Myths
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