Asked Questions
Management FAQ
Web based Document Management Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Q: What is the Salesboom Electronic Web based Document Management Software Services?
A: Salesboom's Electronic Web based Document Management software is designed to help keep all your electronic documents in one place where you always know where to find them - your Salesboom On Demand hosted CRM software system. Combining industry leading electronic Web based Document Management software technology with the Salesboom online CRM software system was no small feat, but the end result is an electronic Web based Document Management software service that is unparalleled in the web based CRM software market.
Q: Does the Salesboom Electronic Web based Document Management Software Service have security checks in place?
A: Absolutely! Salesboom's Electronic Web based Document Management software service has a permissions-based security system, as well as a role-based hierarchical security system, so you can control who sees what in your electronic Web based Document Management software implementation. Security is Salesboom's number one priority with the electronic Web based Document Management software system, so you can be rest assured that your electronic documents are safe with our Web based Document Management software.
Q: Is there support for directory trees within the Salesboom Electronic Web based Document Management software service?
A: Of course! You can fully customize your electronic Web based Document Management directory, adding sub-folders upon sub-folders to keep everything organized in a logical, concise format for ease of reference in the future. No need to learn a new Web based Document Management technique - Salesboom's electronic Web based Document Management software allows you to utilize what you're familiar with, completely customizable to the standards you've worked with for years.
Q: Does Salesboom provide support for Document Distribution and Management software?
A: Full Document Distribution and Management software support is offered within Salesboom. Distribute your electronic documents throughout your organization through a number of mediums - email, Instant messaging Service Software or permissions - and effectively manage your Document Distribution and Management software needs.
Q: What do other companies use Salesboom's Electronic Web based Document Management software services for?
A: Everything! Salesboom's Electronic Web based Document Management software service is perfect for storing any type of electronic document online that you may need to reference again. Marketing collateral, sales contract templates, shipping and order forms, even e-business cards! Salesboom's Electronic Web based Document Management software service is robust enough to handle any of your e-Web based Document Management needs!
Q: Why should I use Salesboom Electronic Web based Document Management software services when I can just store them on my PC?
A: For a number of reasons! What happens if you have a critical PC hardware or software error, and you lose all your data? Maybe you're having a client meeting and need to reference a specific piece of marketing collateral that comes up in negotiations and you don't have access to your PC? There are any number of scenario's where Salesboom's Electronic Web based Document Management software service comes in extremely useful - it can save you lots of time, money and resources!
Q: Is there any way I can use Free Web based Document Management software from Salesboom?
A: Definitely! Just like the rest of Salesboom's web based CRM software features, you can test drive Free Web based Document Management software for 30 days with absolutely no commitment. Take the 30 Day Trial now and experience Free Web based Document Management software from Salesboom.
Q: Can Salesboom's Web based Document Management system work for my small business?
A: We have thousands of small businesses using our Web based Document Management system right now - and we're positive we have the Web based Document Management system that's right for your small business. You can try our Web based Document Management systems free for 30 days right now - no software to install, no credit card information to input. Jumpstart your small business with Salesboom's Web based Document Management systems today.
Q: Okay, I've heard enough! I want to empower my business with Salesboom's Web based Document Management solutions! How do I get started?
A: Great question! Take the Salesboom Free CRM Software 30 Day Trial and put Salesboom's Web based Document Management solution through the paces yourself. If you have any questions, either before or after your Web based Document Management solution evaluation, feel free to contact our sales staff at 1.855.229.2043 or You can find more information on our Web based Document Management solutions here.