This powerful AJAX-based tool will dynamically present
all contacts owned by a user and when selected will show the
business-card view of the contact without reloading the page.
This tool gives easy access to Contact information without
the multiple-click process inherent in all CRM applications.
This back-to-basics tool has been a popular request by our
customers to help them spend less time on the system in order
to obtain contact information on the fly.
Salesboom Hosted CRM V8 really explores
the power of RIA and AJAX software to bring its users a more
accessible and user friendly product. With the inclusion of
a Contacts Rolodex, Salesboom On Demand CRM provider presents
a quick and easy to use portal to scroll through all your
clients without having to refresh a page. Born from the desktop
platforms of yesteryear, Salesboom On Demand CRM Contact Rolodex
brings the simplicity and functionality of on dimensional
platforms and integrates them with an industry leading On
Demand CRM product.
Once you truly gain full visibility into your company's business processes, you'll never want to go back to the dark again. We guarantee it. Take a Free CRM Software 30-day Trial today, or contact us directly for more information: 1.855.229.2043 (1.855.229.2043) or via e-mail at