Salesboom Release 8 includes a powerful on demand Employee Relationship Management product as part of our continuous focus on Human Resource Management and ERP solutions. This new set of features will help your company manage HR processes effectively, integrating Marketing, Sales, Support and HR together.
Today, virtual workforces are a norm and many companies operate virtual offices all around the world. Leveraging Salesboom integrated Human Capital Management features will help your organization gain insight into your workforce, virtual or otherwise. Managing employees through their life cycles and automating HCM processes will increase employee loyalty and productivity while reducing costs involved in managing HR departments.
Keeping up-to-date information about employees can be a frustrating task for HR managers. With Salesboom Employee Self-Service system, your employees can update their records such as address and bank information online using Salesboom intuit web based user-friendly interface.
Employees can submit cases, review solutions, request Vacations and Paid Time Offs, report HR Policy violations, view commissions, etc., via a web browser.
Employees are your most important and valuable business asset; therefore, our belief that an integrated on demand Human Resource Management solution with other important front office solutions such as Marketing Automation and Sales Force Automation is very important for the success on demand business solutions will bring to your business.
Salesboom Hosted CRM V8 is really built around the release of Human Resource Management on demand. While other On Demand CRM providers require you to purchase capabilities such as HRM, Salesboom continues to stretch its On Demand platform to incorporate every aspect of running a business.
Once you truly gain full visibility into your company's business processes, you'll never want to go back to the dark again. We guarantee it. Take a Free CRM Software 30-day Trial today, or contact us directly for more information: 1.855.229.2043 (1.855.229.2043) or via e-mail at