This time saving tool will help your sales representatives
and users identify weather information at a Contact or an
Account address. When you are accessing an Account it can
be extremely useful to see weather information for the city
and state or province where the offices of that account are
Account Weather Information can be
accessed via a link from the Account or Contact view page,
and will present the information in a pop-up window.
This tool amongst others will turn
your Customer View Page into a Customer Portal where you can
view critical data that will help engage in informed conversations
with your customers, providing an instant rapport to build
the relationship.
Salesboom CRM On Demand is continually
looking for ways and methods to provide its user with every
competitive edge and V8 of Salesboom will be no different.
With Contact and Account Weather Information accessible at
the click of a button, Salesboom On Demand CRM will provide
its customers with greater ability to build rapport and relations
with their customers.
Once you truly gain full visibility into your company's business processes, you'll never want to go back to the dark again. We guarantee it. Take a Free CRM Software 30-day Trial today, or contact us directly for more information: 1.855.229.2043 (1.855.229.2043) or via e-mail at